ISSN(e):  2833-5376
Impact Factor: 8.384 (ResearchBib) 
Country: USA
Frequency: Monthly
Index: Google scholar, ResearchBib, ISSN, ROAD, BASE, Index Copernicus, DRJI, EuroPub and others 
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: 

International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture with 2833-5376 ISSN is a peer-reviewed open-access international journal. Openly accessible IJBEA provides wider sharing of knowledge and the acceleration of research, and is thus in the best interest of authors, and potential readers, and increases the availability, accessibility, visibility and impact of the papers, and the journal as a whole. IJBEA aims at promoting agricultural and biological engineering, increasing academic prosperity, and fostering international academic exchange and cooperation.  This journal provides a platform for sharing the latest high-quality research concerning the agricultural, food and biological engineering and the application of these engineering techniques in all areas of agriculture. The journal features works of great significance, originality, and relevance in all the concerned areas. Our readers are from the international scientific community and may include educators, policy makers, agricultural engineers and scientists, and interested members of the public around the world.

Please note that you can help to maintain and achieve greater success by Publishing your high-quality research papers in IJBEA, Reviewing papers for IJABE if requested, and Citing related papers published in IJBEA as much as possible in your own publications (short for supporting IJBEA via PRC), and also by encouraging your colleagues, students and friends to do so. You are invited to submit your next high-quality manuscript (in particular review papers) to IJBEA.

IJABE covers but is not limited to the following 10 technical disciplines:

1 Applied Science, Engineering and Biology (ASEB)
2 Animal, Plant and Facility Systems (APFS)
3 Biosystems, Biological and Ecological Engineering(BBEE)
4 Power and Machinery Systems (PMS)
5 Natural Resources and Environmental Systems (NRES)
6 Information Technologies, Control Systems and Sensors (ITCSS)
7 Renewable Energy and Material System (REMS)
8 Agro-product & Food Processing Systems (AFPS)
9 Safety, Health and Ergonomics (SHE)
10 Emerging Science, Engineering and Technologies (ESET)

  • physiology ethology ecology genetics developmental biology

    agronomy, animal husbandry, land reclamation, plant growing, forestry


    Acarology - Anatomy - Algology - Anthropology - Apiology - Arachnology - Bacteriology - Biogeography - Biogeocenology - Biotechnology - Bioinformatics - Ocean Biology - Developmental Biology - Biometrics - Bionics - Biosemiotics - Biospeleology


    Manuscript Title: The title should be a brief phrase.
    Author Information: List full names and affiliation of all authors, including Emails and phone numbers of corresponding author.
    Abstract: The abstract should be less than 500 words. Following abstract, a list of keywords and abbreviations should be added. The keywords should be no more than 10. Abbreviation are only used for non standard and long terms.
    Introduction: The introduction should included a clear statement of current problems.
    Materials and Methods: This section should be clearly described.
    Results and discussion: Authors may put results and discussion into a single section or show them separately.
    Acknowledgement: This section includes a brief acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds
    References: References should be listed in a numbered citation order at the end of the manuscript. DOIs and links to referenced articles should be added if available. Abstracts and talks for conferences or papers not yet accepted should not be cited. Examples Published Papers: 1. Avinaba Mukherjee, Sourav Sikdar, Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh. Evaluation of ameliorative potential of isolated flavonol fractions from Thuja occidentalis in lung cancer cells and in Benzo(a) pyrene induced lung toxicity in mice. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2016; 1(1): 0001-0013. 2. Vikas Gupta, Parveen Bansal, Junaid Niazi, Kamlesh Kohli, Pankaj Ghaiye. Anti-anxiety Activity of Citrus paradisi var. duncan Extracts in Swiss Albino Mice-A Preclinical Study. Journal of Herbal Medicine Research, 2016; 1(1): 0001-0006.
    Tables and figures:  Tables should be used at a minimum with a short descriptive title. The preferred file formats for Figures/Graphics are GIF, TIFF, JPEG or PowerPoint.
    Publication fee: The authors will be contacted about the publication fee after a manuscript have been accepted.
    Proofreading and Publication: A proof will be sent to the corresponding author before publication. Authors should carefully read the proof to avoid any errors and return the proof to the editorial office. Editorial office will publish the article shortly and send a notice to authors with the links of the paper.

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