Participation in conferences

Participation in conferences

Our organization is engaged not only in the publication of scientific papers in international journals
but also is gaining articles for international conferences.

It is known that the exchange of scientific experience and knowledge is possible not only when published in journals included in scientometric databases, but also when participating in conferences. Also, participation in international conferences and publication in conference proceedings is another important criterion for undergraduates, doctoral students, graduate students and scientists. But here certain rules must be observed with the participation and publication in the collection. And the authors may face the same problems as in the case of magazines. Compliance with the design rules, translation into the required language, editing and preparation of the article directly for participation in the selected conference.

Before submitting your scientific work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the article, prepare or correct the scientific work according to all criteria, and then send it, and be sure that the work will not be rejected.

But if you have any difficulties, or the work has been returned for consideration, but you do not know how to fix it correctly, then we will help you with this.

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